Monday, June 18, 2012

Ruh roh...

So as you may have noticed... I've been doing an awful, terrible job of keeping up with my blog. And I know what you're all thinking, "Oh that Natalie, she goes to Russia and now she thinks she's too good for us, won't even update us on what's going on." Oh but it's not true, I swear! The problem is I haven't been able to get any internet connection around Kitezh. There's wi-fi all over the place, but my computer can't pick up the network (probably because it's a Mac... grrr.) Anyway, by some magical stroke of luck I've been able to get it to somehow work today, so I'm posting this letting you know that A) I am alive, things are going well here, and B) I have not forgotten you! I'm going to try to post some of the photos and things I have written, but I can't promise it'll work.

If anyone wants to get in touch with me, the best way is through email ( because somehow my "mail" application works even though the browser doesn't. 

And in consolation for my terrible blogging skills, I leave you with this, a photo of me in front of my new home! It's called Bolshoi Dom (meaning "Big House") and acts sort of like a hotel, many volunteers and guests stay here. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I would just like to say that I have a patent on Ruh roh, so im going to need to be paid when you get back, yeah.... Looks awesome and not at all like the depressed looking russia I have come to think of and love. just cause
