It goes without saying that the one thing that makes Kitezh different from any other place I've been to is the children that live here. They come from incredibly difficult and tragic backgrounds, but looking at them you almost can't tell. I cannot stress enough how special they all are and how much they've overcome! I have enjoyed everything about my stay in Kitezh, but the kids are, without a doubt, what made it a meaningful experience. So instead of writing a long blogpost about all of their personal stories or sharing a list of our inside jokes, I thought I might just show you a few photos, both mine and Alen's. Maybe even through the internet they can touch your heart like they did mine.
Masha and I enjoying the fair
Nikita, big Danya, and Kolya looking tough while moving some hay
Masha and I enjoying the fair
Nikita, big Danya, and Kolya looking tough while moving some hay
Little Danya reading in the light of the window at the Bolshoi Dom
Alina affectionately holding the kitten Eminem
Big Danya practicing his fighting moves in front of the stolovaya
Vanya looking angelic while cooking with little Danya
Boris and Nikita waving as they ride away
Looks like an amazing place! Thanks so much for sharing. Reading your posts is making me want to go see for myself.